Had a crit with artist, Tracey Johnson. Very helpful. Now thinking about the following criticisms and suggestions.
Criticisms of decision-making-process and resulting Willow Pattern drawing:
- Placing of motifs and patterns too random
- Muddled decision-making
- inconsistent and unmethodical process
- Think about the process of deconstruction
- Show the different stages of deconstruction
1.) Break WP image down in its component parts - series of whole objects, motifs and clumps of pattern. i.e a tree, house, flower. 2.) Then break these down into their component parts and details of the whole i.e tree becomes leaves and branches, flower becomes petals and stem, house becomes roof, windows, door etc 3.) Consider if can you break them down even further ? i.e Roof becomes lines and tiles - a specific counted and recorded number.
- Think about how this applies to the drawing and the placing of the motifs
- Think about what needs to be kept whole and what needs to be broken up.
- Invent a set of rules and try to stick to them
- Consider introducing a grid-system
- Keep in mind the known object but allow for new directions
- Known Object - to create a systematic, deconstructed visual list of marks, motifs and patterns
- Think about whether it would be appropriate to include an element of language as well i.e a record of the amount of each object like 1 roof, 534 tiles or 6 flowers, 134 petals etc
It was only through making this first 'muddled', 'inconsistent' drawing that the process of thought and action has been able to be analysed. Will complete this drawing next week and then start the next.
Feel very inspired and excited by this discussion and the resulting process that, I hope, will now materialise. Tracey and I work well together, bouncing thoughts and ideas back and forth. I hope we can, one day consider working together on a collaborative project.